I wake up on a cloudy day as if it were any other day. I shower and get dressed before heading downstairs to find an empty house which is odd, but I just assume my parents went to work early. Oddly, I don’t feel hungry so I skip breakfast.
I grab my stuff for school and notice something strange. My parents’ car is still in the driveway. I don’t know quite what to make of it, but I just push the thought off and get into my car before heading off to school.
As I drive to school, I notice things seem very off. It’s unnaturally quiet and void of traffic. Usually the roads a packed and busy with people trying to get to school or work. However, it’s dead quiet. Not a soul out on the road. As I arrive at school, the parking lot is full of cars to my relief. However, there doesn’t seem to be anyone walking to and from the school which is odd.
I park my car and head in. This is where things start to get weird. As I head inside, the school is completely empty. No one is in sight. What the fuck is going on? The bell rings as if things were normal, but there isn’t a single person in the hallways.
I head to my class and it’s empty. I can’t find any of my friends or any of the teachers anywhere. Just empty classrooms and empty hallways. Is there something going on that I’m not aware of? I doubt people would get this involved to do a prank on me.
I give up and head back out to the parking lot and get into my car. I drive downtown and find it has become a ghost town. There are still cars parked, but there’s no one on the sidewalks or in the businesses. Now, I’m a little freaked out. What the fuck is going on?
I park my car and get out to look around. I search some of the businesses and they’re all deserted. I’m seriously starting to freak out. This all feels wrong. Like some sick nightmare.
I have no idea how to explain this. It just doesn’t make sense. Where is everyone? There must be someone somewhere. I got to my parents’ work and both of their workplaces are empty. Did something happen to them?
This isn’t making any sense. I drive around aimlessly looking for someone, anyone, but no matter where I go or how long I search, I can’t find a single person. This is getting very creepy. I can feel my heartbeat faster and faster. My palms start to sweet as a chill goes down my spine. All the alarms are going off inside my head. Nothing seems right and yet I don’t know what to do.
I finally decide to head back home. There I find a newspaper stuffed in the mailbox. I pull it out and read through it. That’s when I find something that makes me sick to my stomach. As I read the obituaries I find my name listed. I died in my sleep from a brain aneurysm. That can’t be right. This must all be a bad dream. I try to wake up. I pinch myself. I do whatever I can to get out of this nightmare, but no matter what I try, I can’t wake up. This can’t be happening. Am I really dead? Is this hell? What do I do now?
I wander aimlessly for what feels like forever. I can’t bring myself to believe I am actually dead. This can’t be happening. As the days go by, nothing changes. Eventually, I finally accept the fact that I, Tucker Reid, am dead and this is hell.
The End
You’re never safe in the dark.
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Very interesting subject , thankyou for putting up.